October 17 | 20.00 h
October 18 | 20.00 h
The Academy is the kind of school Henrike Iglesias would have liked to go to. Since its foundation, the feminist dream school has regularly offered project days. Instead of joint lessons in the classroom, this time video lessons and excursions are on the timetable. We can expect inspiring teacher personalities, alternative forms of teaching and content from feminist perspectives, which certainly did not come up in school.
Within the framework of the Academy project days of Risk and Resilience, Henrike Iglesias will take a feminist look at the effects that corona-related restrictions have on certain communities, professions and private structures: If safe places disappear or work bans without protection programmes arise – which feminist and emancipatory achievements are then minimised and how can we counteract them? Especially vulnerable communities are challenged by the current situation to be even more resilient. Together with the teachers, we will search for strategies of resistance.
Notice To participate, you must download the Zoom software and agree to its privacy policy. You will receive a mail within 48 hours after your registration.
October 16 | 18.00: Yoga for Resilience (Online)
October 16 | 19.30: Empowerment in Times of Social Distancing (Online)
October 17 | 15.00: Be Your Own Spirit Animal (Online)
October 17 | 16.30: Trash Drag (Online)
October 18 | 15.00: The Privilege of Hearing (Online)
October 18 | 16.30: Disco Utopia (In the Sophiensæle Courtyard)
October 16 | Online
18.00-18.45 h
Yoga for Resilience
With Rowena Johnson
In English
When we think of yoga, perhaps the first image that comes to mind is a complicated asana. But anyone, who has practiced yoga for some time, will know that the real practice is beyond the mat. Yoga has 8 limbs and its main benefit is that it not only makes us feel more connected within but that it enables us to face the world – as it is. With regular practice we begin to build up an internal reserve that enables us to experience joy, sadness, success and challenges with humility and perseverance. For the ACADEMY yoga class, we roll out the mats in front of the computers at home. We will explore how we become more resilient not by hardening but by softening, not by hiding but by accepting and owning our vulnerability.
Rowena Johnson is a Jivamukti and Ashtanga Yoga teacher, who has been practicing yoga asana since 2008. The physical aspect of the practice soon guided the way to a deeper awareness of body, mind and spirit. Once it became clear to her that yoga is not just a practice of self help and wellness, the real purpose being to better oneself in order to be in service to society, she realised that she wanted to dedicate her energy towards teaching and sharing the practice.
October 16 | Online
19.30-20.15 h
Empowerment in Times of Social Distancing
With Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen and Victoria Kure-Wu
In German
ichbinkeinvirus.org is a volunteer project of students and workers in the fields of art, media, strategy and web development. With the rise of racism against Asian-diasporic people on a global level through Covid-19, Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen and Victoria Kure-Wu, together with other comrades-in-arms, have created an online network for those affected. In the middle of the lockdown, a digital space was opened up to actively continue the discussion about anti-racism. In Empowerment in Times of Social Distancing, the two of them share their experiences using their campaign as an example, talk to the students about how we can develop digital strategies to draw attention to grievances and connect for more political commitment.
Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen is a freelance author, studies Media Studies in her master’s degree and co-founded the running group Wayv Run collective to empower BIPoC* (including queer, trans, inter, disabled) people. She is also part of anti-racist initiatives like ichbinkeinvirus.org and intersectional spaces like BIWOC* Rising.
Victoria Kure-Wu designs websites and apps as a user experience designer in Berlin and knows that diverse teams achieve better and more sustainable results. She is the initiator of ichbinkeinvirus.org and is committed to educational justice at schuelerpaten-deutschland.de.
October 17 | Online
15.00-15.45 h
Be Your Own Spirit Animal
With Josefa Nereus
In German
Finding well-being, affirmation and relaxation from within ourselves, whenever and wherever we want or need it – that would be it, wouldn’t it? How quickly external circumstances can change our lives, we have all noticed in recent months. But how do we find our way back to our own center and can draw strength from within ourselves? Josefa Nereus presents three methods with which you can increase your own well-being without having to depend on other people. “Havening” – a technique from the hypnotherapeutic field -, breathing exercises and beliefs have an enormous influence on how we feel and perceive ourselves. Josefa will show you how you can make use of them for yourself. We promise: After this lesson you will feel better than before.
Josefa Nereus is a media designer, sex worker and winner of the Edition F 25 Women Award 2019. She lives in Hamburg and founded her own website and boudoir in 2015. From 2016 to 2019 she worked in the press and public relations department of the Berufsverband erotische und sexuelle Dienstleistungen e.V. Since 2017 her sex and sexwork video blog Wissen Macht Sex has been online.
October 17 | Online
16.30-17.15 h
Trash Drag
With Olympia Bukkakis
In English
Olympia’s early years doing trash drag taught her a lot about living and working under pressure. This skill – working with less than ideal materials and contexts – helps her make sense of the gender binary (which is really just a pile of refuse) and living and working in this garbage-fire of a year. In this lesson Olympia will offer her students a series of exercises to help work out what good things can still be done in a bad situation.
Queen of the Heavens and of the Earth, Empress of Despair, Architect of Your Eternal Suffering, Olympia Bukkakis has organised, curated, and hosted various queer performance nights including Get Fucked, Fancy, Apocalypse Tonight and Queens Against Borders. In 2019 she completed a Masters in Solo Dance Authorship at the Inter-University Centre for Dance (HZT) in Berlin with her graduation piece Tales From a State of Shemergency. Her work Gender Euphoria premiered at Sophiensæle in Berlin as part of the 2019 Tanztage festival. Since then she has presented work in various formats on stages in Berlin, Stockholm, Zurich and Melbourne. Her practice is situated within, and inspired by, the tensions and intersections between queer nightlife and contemporary dance and performance.
October 18 | Online
15.00-16.30 h
The Privilege of Hearing
With Silvia Gegenfurtner
In German Sign Language With Translation Into German Spoken Language
Sign Language Translation by Jona Schmitz, Oya Ataman.
What does it mean to be hearing or deaf in social life? Can the deaf participate in workshops on feminism or intersectionality at their convenience? What other barriers do sign language people encounter in their lives, for example in the Corona pandemic? After an introduction to audism, the interactive lesson invites us to reflect on the invisible privilege of hearing in a society that is oriented towards hearing and speaking.
Silvia Gegenfurtner is deaf, white and queer. She deals with discrimination, power, privileges etc. from feminist intersectional perspectives. With this expertise Silvia offers workshops on audism and hearing privileges for hearing people and also teaches Deaf History, so that hopefully the hearing mainstream will one day tick audism-critically.
October 18 | In the Sophiensæle Courtyard
16.30-17.15 h
Disco Utopia
mit DJ Uta
You can register until October 17, 16.00 h at . Please provide your name, phone number, e-mail-address and zip-code.
The last months were not always easy for most of us. They were characterized by prohibitions, restrictions, fears, failures, isolation, depression. But all this does not help, we have to keep going and we will. In Disco Utopia the students of the Academy have the opportunity to do just one thing for 45 minutes: Listen to a really good DJ set! Each person gets their own pair of wireless headphones and enough space to dance safely and relaxed under the open sky to Uta’s set and to shake it off. Because: we will get through this!
Veteran DJ, radio host and promoter Uta is one of the go-to persons in Berlin’s bass music scene. Schooled in classic house and techno as part of the German capital’s thriving underground scene in the ’90s, Uta’s wide-ranging selections are tied together by her skillful technique, honed over decades behind the decks. An avid and adventurous listener, she hunts down hidden gems in second-hand record shops, mixing them with new and future sounds of bass music, grime and breaks.
HENRIKE IGLESIAS understand pop cultural and mass media phenomena as a mirror of social conditions and grievances and have made it their mission to illuminate them from an explicitly feminist perspective. They are a theatre collective based in Berlin and Basel whose permanent crew includes Anna Fries, Laura Naumann, Marielle Schavan, Sophia Schroth, Eva G. Alonso and Malu Peeters. With their production OH MY, which was shown several times at the SOPHIENSÆLE, they were invited to imagetanz Vienna, the Heidelberg Stückemarkt and the FIBA Festival in Buenos Aires. https://henrikeiglesias.com/
CONCEPT Henrike Iglesias (Anna Fries, Eva G. Alonso, Laura Naumann, Malu Peeters, Marielle Schavan, Sophia Schroth) und Anna Wille TEACHING STAFF Rowena Johnson, Thi Minh Huyen Nguyen, Victoria Kure-Wu, Josefa Nereus, Olympia Bukkakis, Silvia Gegenfurtner, DJ Uta SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro
The ACADEMY is a project by Henrike Iglesias in co-production with SOPHIENSÆLE, created in the context of the festival THE FUTURE IS F*E*M*A*L*E (2017). Funded by the Capital Cultural Fund. Media partner: taz. die tageszeitung.