The trendy term resilience refers to the ability to survive crises unscathed, even to emerge from them stronger. In the current pandemic, the resilient self is more in demand than ever. All too often, the focus on individual resilience means that we lose sight of the fact that the conditions of resilience vary greatly depending on the social position of the individual. Thus, it is often structural inequalities that cause crises and that should be fought, rather than endured.
In this conversation we will take a critical look at a society that uses crises as a driver for its optimization and, in this context, we will also look at the role of culture: Do the arts offer suitable spaces to train resistance beyond the growth narratives of the dominant society? Can culture in Corona times even initiate a paradigm shift towards a more transparent approach to vulnerability? Or, is the theater in particular, in its permanent state of crisis, bound to the positive exaggeration of risk and excessive demands and thus a place that prefers resilient subjects?
STEFANIE Graefe is a sociologist and researches and teaches at the Friedrich Schiller University of Jena on the connection between subjectivity, neoliberalism, work and health. Most recently, her book Resilienz im Krisenkapitalismus. Wider das Lob der Anpassung was published by transcript.
Lann Hornscheidt works writing, lecturing and workshopping on language and violence, loving as political action and gender freedom and genderism from an intersectional perspective. Lann organizes events on how society deals with violence, runs the discrimination-critical publishing house w_orten & meer and publishes books and articles, recently How do I write diverse? How do I speak gender-just? A practical handbook on gender-inclusive and gender-free language change (together with Ja’n Sammla).
Azadeh Sharifi is a theater scholar and associated at the Institute for Theater Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University (LMU) Munich. She focuses on theater and migration, postcolonial theory and decolonial practices in theater, as well as feminist and intersectional performances. She was a fellow at the International Research College Interweaving Performance Cultures at the FU Berlin and teaches at the LMU Munich, HBK Braunschweig and University of Vienna. She also works as a curator for theater, including Augenblick Mal! Festival 2017 and Politik im Freien Theater München 2018 and is a member of the Future Advisory Board (Fab) of Performance Studies international (PSi).
Moderation Franziska Werner GUESTS Stefanie Graefe, Lann Hornscheidt, Azadeh Sharifi
Politics of Love is a production by SOPHIENSÆLE. Media partner: taz. die tageszeitung.